
Green 109

Wasting / saving energy

Electrical energy is wasted by leaving lights to burn in an empty room, by leaving a television switched on when no-one is watching it, by leaving a computer and monitor running when the person who operates it is attending a meeting. It has become a commonplace to talk about avoiding leaving equipment on stand-by.

It is obvious from the power rating that a sixty Watt incandescent light bulb, despite giving out no more light, consumes more than five times the electrical energy compared with an eleven Watt fluorescent light bulb. Were incandescent light bulbs to be taxed at a rate to make their price comparable with fluorescent light bulbs, it could be expected that most consumers would switch to the energy-saving fluorescent light bulbs because, compared with the running costs of an incandescent bulb, they would cost only 18% to run.

Most of the space lighting in the building where I work is on a timed movement-sensitive switch: if I sit still for long enough, which is common in counselling, the overhead light switches off.

My house is a bungalow - ... [house temperature: house insulation: loft, cavity wall, double-glazing.]

Drafts leak heat. There is, for me, however, a balance to be struck between on the one hand sealing up all the gaps in order to prevent drafts, and on the other hand allowing sufficient air change to maintain freshness. I am usually happy to wear a fleece or pullover, as well as a shirt and thermal vest, in order to keep the central heat thermostat at its lowest comfortable temperature.